关于中英文谚语对照的谚语 | 谚语类型 |
69.The wish is father to the thought. 愿望为思想之父;所望之事,每易信之为真。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
68.The weakest goes to the wall. 弱者败北。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
67.The used key is always bright. 常用的钥匙常光亮。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
66.The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth. 舌头总是碰着疼牙。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
65.The thread breaks where it is weakest. 线断常在最细处。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
64.The swan sings when death comes. 死期来到,天鹅歌声美妙。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
63.There is a crook(=affliction,trial) in the lot of every one. 人生总有倒楣事;人生总有不如意处。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
62.There are two sides to every question. 每个问题都有两个方面。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
61.The pot calls the kettle black. 锅子嫌罐黑;责人严而责己宽;自己有过失而申斥他人。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
60.The mountains have brought forth a mouse. 大山生小鼠(指:费力大而收效小)。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |