关于中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语的谚语 | 谚语类型 |
39.Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
38.Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. 切勿良莠不分一起抛。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
37.Don't put the cart before the horse. 勿本末倒置;勿倒果为因。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
36.Do not hallo till you are out of the wood. 未出险境,先莫高兴。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
35.Do as you would be done by. 你愿别人怎样对待你,你就应该怎样对待别人;己所不欲,勿施于人。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
34.Do as the Romans do. 入境要问俗。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
33.Danger is next neighbour to security. 危险是安全的紧邻。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
32.Cut your coat according to your cloth. 量布裁衣。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
31.Custom is a second nature. 习惯是第二天性。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |
30.Content is happiness. 知足常乐。 | 中英文谚语对照常用英文谚语谚语 |